Fall 2024 E-rate Training - Links Updated

Aug 26, 2024, 08:35 by Christopher Fletcher


The Kansas State Department of Education (KSDE) will be hosting E-rate training sessions in October. Don Dietrich and Lori Thompson from BTU Consultants will conduct five in-person sessions across the state to discuss the E-rate program's opportunities and requirements.  
Information regarding registration and costs will be posted on each service center's website so check their websites periodically for information. KSDE will distribute registration details once they are provided by the service centers.   
The following dates and locations are for training sessions that will be 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 

Monday, October 14th- Girard

Tuesday, October 15th – Clearwater

Wednesday, October 16th – Hays

Thursday, October 17th – Salina

Friday, October 18th – Lawrence

The sessions will feature an interactive dialogue complemented by step-by-step examples. Handouts will be distributed during the classes and will also be accessible online before the sessions commence. The following topics will be covered: 

Overview of the E-rate program

What’s new this year

Hotspots and off-site WiFi are now eligible

Cybersecurity Pilot Program update

Benefits and requirements for participation

EPC portal - login and maintenance

Finding your E-Rate History

Preparing for the Application Year

Category 1 vs Category 2 Budgets

Applying for E-Rate

Form 470, Competitive Bidding, Choosing a Winner

Form 471 details and contracts

PIA Review

E-Rate Approval and Acceptance

Form 486 to accept funding

Form 500 to make changes

BEARs vs Discounts – getting reimbursed

Record Keeping and Audit Preparation

Q&A session

Further information about E-Rate can be found at https://e-rateks.ksde.org.